New Program on Data Management and Information Governance, led by Program Director Angie Raymond
The Program on Data Management and Information Governance was founded in November of 2017 to foster a collaborative, multidisciplinary, multisector, multistakeholder environment in which scholars, policymakers, and industry professionals can work together to translate research findings into effective policy. The program seeks to address issues associated with data management and information governance through the exploration and creation of multidisciplinary structures, policies, procedures, processes, and controls implemented to manage data and information.
Farm Transfer Events: November 12-16, 2017
This November, a series of events around Indiana for farm owners and the professionals who advise them will explore transitions of land and farm operations to the next generation. The events will take place in Greenfield, downtown Bloomington, the south side of Indianapolis, and on Purdue campus.

Blockchains track, record, and secure transactions made within the virtual currency Bitcoin. They can also help defend many critical systems from devastating cyberattacks.
Cybersecurity Research Colloquium Call for Papers - Abstract Deadline March 3, 2017
Inaugural Ostrom Workshop Colloquium on Cybersecurity and Internet GovernanceOstrom Workshop, April 27–29, 2017 The colloquium will take place at the Ostrom Workshop in Bloomington, Indiana from April 27-29, 2017. Indiana University will provide lodging, meals, a per diem, and transportation to/from the Indianapolis airport for a limited number of participants. To be considered, please submit an abstract of 250-750 words to Professor Scott Shackelford at sjshacke@indiana.edu by March 3, 2017. Questions may be directed to Professor Shackelford. If you are interested in being a discussant, but do not have a paper to present, please send a statement of interest to the same.
Terry Anderson to Present First Ostrom Lecture on Environmental Policy
Terry Anderson, the John and Jean De Nault senior fellow at the Hoover Institution and a leading scholar of free-market environmentalism, will present the inaugural Ostrom Lecture on Environmental Policy next week at Indiana University Bloomington.

Workshop on Institutional Analysis presented by Ronald Coase Institute
Apply by January 15, 2017 Young scholars worldwide are eligible to apply. Twenty-six participants will be selected competitively.