Founder, Open Referral
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12 results found
Founder, Open Referral
Managing Director, Trokt
Business Law Professor, University of North Texas
Co-Founder, Aapti Institute
Marie Curie Fellow from the European Commission, Affiliated with Arizona State University
Visiting the Ostrom Workshop 03/01/2024 - 06/30/2024
Associate Professor in the School of Finance and Public Administration at the Guangxi University of Finance and Economics
Visiting the Ostrom Workshop 08/22/23-08/22/24
North Central University
Partially supported by the Consortium for the Study of Religion, Ethics, and Society
Journalist, blogger
Host of the Beyond the Web: Human +/vs. Artificial Intelligence Salon Series
Host of the Beyond the Web: Human +/vs. Artificial Intelligence Salon Series
Research Coordinator and Adjunct Professor, Graduate School of International Studies, Laval University, Quebec, Canada
Director of the Space Governance Lab, Indiana University
Program Director, Indiana University’s new Space-Cyber Security Certificate Program
Visiting the Ostrom Workshop for the Academic Year 2023-2024