The Vincent and Elinor Ostrom Memorial Lecture was established in 2015 to honor and celebrate the life and work of the Ostroms. The 2022 lecture was provided by Scott Gehlbach, Professor, Department of Political Science and Harris School of Public Policy, at the University of Chicago. A political economist and comparativist, Gehlbach’s work is motivated by the contemporary and historical experience of Russia, Ukraine, and other postcommunist states. His topic for the Ostrom Memorial Lecture was “Governing the Autocracy: The Nature of Institutions for Authoritarian Rule”. The evening was very well attended by both new Workshoppers and those who knew Vincent and Lin for many years. After the lecture and discussion, a wonderful reception ensued with a four foot charcuterie grazing board and Jacobs School of Music Violin and Viola duet playing in the foyer (Ross McIntosh and Tom Mathias).
2022 Ostrom Memorial Lecture recap