The WOW7 Award Banquet Dinner held June 20, 2024 embodied the Ostromian spirit. The largest of all WOW conferences to date provided several 'firsts', including opportunities to honor poster presenters, the Ostrom Senior Research Fellows, and a laureate for decades of dedication to the Ostrom Workshop international community with the inaugural Ostrom Community Building Award. The Award committee, represented by Dr. Brenda Bushouse, unanimously selected Dr. Michael McGinnis for this distinction. The presentation of the award began with reflections shared by Ostrom Workshop Data Governance Director Angie Raymond, Senior Research Fellow Dr. Dan Cole, and the presentation by Dr. Bushouse. Dr. McGinnis was commended with a word cloud and a 3D printed award of 513 N. Park Avenue, the physical building representing the 'building of the Ostrom Community'.
In her remarks, Dr. Bushouse said, "Mike came to the IU Political Science Department in 1985 and began his affiliation with what was then the Workshop on Political Theory and Policy Analysis in 1990. He has been a fixture at the Workshop in teaching its foundation courses, actively participating in the Monday colloquium, engaging with students, visiting scholars, and colleagues in “contestation” although when Mike does it his face turns red when he laughs. Whereas Vincent’s face turned red, well, did I hear someone say “the state”? Mike is generous with his time and always ready to engage in discussion. He reads others’ work and provides insightful, constructive comments. Other than Lin, Mike is the most committed scholar I have ever met to helping others to sharpen and deepen their research."
Holding the WordCloud, Dr. Bushouse explained, "We asked Workshoppers for three words to best describe Mike. The biggest ones were Thoughtful, Insightful, Generous, Mentor, Supportive, Jovial (and many other words referring to Mike's omipresent laughter), and my personal favorite, 'Wicked Smart'.". The award critieria consisted of (1) Building and/or facilitating an inclusive community, with the broadest understanding of community; (2) The Community is at the frontiers of the Ostrom Tradition of scolarly research and/or practical governance; and (3) The relevant Community can be historical and/or contemporary.
Dr. McGinnis received the awards to a standing ovation and gave lovely comments to the all conference crowd in the Indiana University Presidents Hall.