- Email:
- carini@indiana.edu

Jaime Carini is a doctoral student in musicology (Ph.D.) and organ performance and literature (D.M.) at the Jacobs School of Music, Indiana University Bloomington. She also received a 2021–2022 Adam Smith Fellowship from the Mercatus Center at George Mason University and a 2021–2022 Richard M. Weaver Fellowship from Intercollegiate Studies Institute. Ms. Carini recently completed a forthcoming book chapter, titled “Artisanship, Artifact, and Aesthetic Fact,” on the political economy and artisanship of the Austrian, Virginia, and Bloomington Schools. She maintains research interests in cultural economics and the interrelationship between music expertise and music ownership. Jaime has presented her research on Bob Dylan’s contributions to the Great American Songbook at the international World of Bob Dylan Symposium and the sixth Workshop on the Ostrom Workshop (WOW6). As an Ostrom Fellow, Ms. Carini is working on the project, “The Uses of Artisanship, Knowledge, and Fact in the Quest to Develop a Science of Culture,” which extends her previous work on artisanship and culture in Workshop thought.