Subject bibliography on social-ecological systems
This page was last updated September 2015.
This page was last updated September 2015.
Abel, N., D.H.M. Cumming, & J.M. Anderies. 2006. "Collapse and Reorganization in Social-Ecological Systems: Questions, Some Ideas, and Policy Implications." Ecology and Society 11(1).
Abernethy, K.E., et al. 2014. "Two Steps Forward, Two Steps Back: The Role of Innovation in Transforming Towards Community-Based Marine Resource Management in Solomon Islands." Global Environmental Change. 28:309-321.
Adams, M.S., et al. 2014. "Toward Increased Engagement between Academic and Indigenous Community Partners in Ecological Research." Ecology and Society 19.
Agrawal, A. 2014. "Studying the Commons, Governing Common-Pool Resource Outcomes: Some Concluding Thoughts." Environmental Science and Policy. 36: 86-91.
Aguilar-Støen, M., S.R. Moe, & S.L. Camargo-Ricalde. 2009. "Home Gardens Sustain Crop Diversity and Improve Farm Resilience in Candelaria Loxicha, Oaxaca, Mexico." Human Ecology 37(1):55-77.
Aiz, A. et al. 2011. "Cross-Scale Value Trade-Offs in Managing Social-Ecological Systems: The Politics of Scale in Ruaha National Park, Tanzania." Ecology and Society 16(4).
Albritton, N. 2014. "Rivers of Resilience: Information Flow within Socio-Ecological Systems of Hawai'i." (Working Paper)
Alessa, L., A. Kliskey, & P. Williams. 2010. "Forgetting Freshwater: Technology, Values, and Distancing in Remote Arctic Communities." Society and Natural Resources 23(3):254-268.
Alessa, L. et al. 2008. "Freshwater Vulnerabilities and Resilience on the Seward Peninsula: Integrating Multiple Dimensions of Landscape Change." Global Environmental Change 18(2):256-270.
Alessa, L. et al. 2011. "Alaska's Freshwater Resources: Issues Affecting Local and International Interests." JAWRA: Journal of the American Water Resources Association 47(1):143-157.
Altaweel, M.R. et al. 2010. "Monitoring Land Use: Capturing Change through an Information Fusion Approach." Sustainability 2:1182-1203.
Aligica, P.D. & V. Tarko. 2014. "Institutional Resilience and Economic Systems: Lessons from Elinor Ostroms Work." Comparative Economic Studies. 56: 52-76.
Anderies, J.M. 2014. "Embedding Built Environments in Social-Ecological Systems: Resilience-Based Design Principles." Building Research & Information 42.
Anderies, J.M. 2008. "Ecological Variation, Insitutional Adaptation, and Long-Term Social-Ecological Change: Lessons from the Past." 93rd Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting, Milwaukee, WI, August 2008.
Anderies, J.M. 2008. "Resilience Thinking: Adapting to System-Shifting Social and Ecological Change." Bioneers Conference, San Rafael, CA, October 2008.
Anderies, J.M. & J. Norberg. 2008. "Observing, Understanding, and Acting: Information Processing for Navigating Social-Ecological Systems." In Complexity Theory for a Sustainable Future. J. Norberg & G. Cumming, eds. New York: Columbia University Press.
Anderies, J.M., B.H. Walker, & A.P. Kinzig. 2006. "Fifteen Weddings and a Funeral: Case Studies and Resilience-Based Management." Ecology and Society 11(1)
Armitage, D. and D. Johnson. 2006. "Can Resilience be Reconciled with Globalization and the Increasingly Complex Conditions of Resource Degradation in Asian Coastal Regions?" Ecology and Society 11(1).
Aswani, S. 2010. "Socioecological Methods for Designing Marine Conservation Programs: A Solomon Islands Example." In Environmental Social Sciences: Methods and Research Design. I. Vaccaro, E.A. Smith, & S. Aswani, eds. New York: Cambridge University Press.
Atwell, R.C., L.A. Schulte, & L.M. Westphal. 2009. "Linking Resilience Theory and Diffusion of Innovations Theory to Understand the Potential for Perennials in the U.S. Corn Belt." Ecology and Society 14(1).
Auclair, L. et al. 2011. "Patrimony for Resilience: Evidence from the Forest Agdal in the Moroccan High Atlas Mountains." Ecology and Society 16(4).
Azar, C., J. Holmberg, & K. Lindgren. 1996. "Socio-Ecological Indicators for Sustainability." Ecological Economics 18(2):89-112.
Baird, J., R. Plummer, & K. Pickering. 2014. "Priming the Governance System for Climate Change Adaptation: The Application of a Social-Ecological Inventory to Engage Actors in Niagara, Canada." Ecology and Society 19.
Bal, M. 2014. "The Development, Composition and Application of the Social- Ecological System Framework." Workshop on the Ostrom Workshop 5, Indiana University, Bloomington, June 2014.
Barlett, P.F., ed. 2005. Urban Place: Reconnecting with the Natural World. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
Bartelmus, P. 1994. "Green Accounting for a National Strategy of Sustainable Development: The Case of Papua New Guinea." Ambio 23(8):509-514.
Basurto, X. 2008. "Biological and Ecological Mechanisms Supporting Marine Self-Governance: The Seri Callo de Hacha Fishery in Mexico." Ecology and Society 13(2).
Basurto, X. & E.A. Coleman. 2010. "Institutional and Ecological Interplay for Successful Self-Governance of Community-Based Fisheries." Ecological Economics 69(5):1094-1103.
Baur, I., K. Liechti, & C. Binder. 2014. "Why do Individuals Behave Differently in Commons Dilemmas? The Case of Alpine Farmers Using Common Property Pastures in Grindelwald, Switzerland." International Journal of the Commons. 8: 657-685.
Beach, D.M. & D.A. Clark. 2015. "Scenario Planning During Rapid Ecological Change: Lessons and Perspectives from Workshops with Southwest Yukon Wildlife Managers." Ecology and Society 20.
Beitl, C.M. 2011. "Cockles in Custody: The Role of Common Property Arrangements in the Ecological Sustainability of Mangrove Fisheries on the Ecuadorian Coast." International Journal of the Commons 5(2):485-512.
Beitl, C.M. 2010. "The Role of Collective Action in the Social-Ecological Resilience of Mangroves and Artisanal Fisheries on the Ecuadorian Coast." North American Regional Meeting of the International Association for the Study of the Commons, Arizona State University, Tempe.
Beltran, O. 2010. "People, Numbers, and Natural Resources: Demography in Environmental Research." InEnvironmental Social Sciences: Methods and Research Design. I. Vaccaro, E.A. Smith, & S. Aswani, eds. New York: Cambridge University Press.
Benessaiah, K. & R. Sengupta. 2014. "How is Shrimp Aquaculture Transforming Coastal Livelihoods and Lagoons in Estero Real, Nicaragua? The Need to Integrate Social-Ecological Research and Ecosystem-Based Approaches." Environmental Management 54(2):162-179.
Bennett, D.E. & H. Gosnell. 2015. "Integrating Multiple Perspectives on Payments for Ecosystem Services through a Social-Ecological Systems Framework." Ecological Economics 116:172-181.
Bennet, E.M., G.D. Peterson, & L.J. Gordon. 2009. "Understanding Relationships among Multiple Ecosystem Services." Ecology Letters 12(12):1394-1404.
Berbés-Blázquez, M., et al. "Ecohealth and Resilience Thinking: A Dialog from Experiences in Research and Practice." Ecology and Society 19.
Berger, S. 2008. "K. William Kapp's Theory of Social Costs and Environmental Policy: Towards Political Ecological Economics." Ecological Economics 67(2):244-252.
Berger, T. & P. Schreinemachers. 2006. "Creating Agents and Landscapes for Multiagent Systems from Random Samples." Ecology and Society 11(2)
Berkes, F., J. Colding, & C. Folke, eds. 2003. Navigating Social-Ecological Systems: Building Resilience for Complexity and Change. New York: Cambridge University Press.
Berkes, F., W.V. Reid, T.J. Wilbanks, & D. Capistrano. 2006. "Conclusions: Bridging Scales and Knowledge System." In Bridging Scales and Knowledge System: Concepts and Applications in Ecosystem Assessment. Washington, DC: Island Press.
Berkes, F. & C.S. Seixas. 2005. "Building Resilience in Lagoon Social-Ecological Systems: A Local-level Perspective." Ecosystems 8(8):967-974.
Berkes, F. & N.J. Turner. 2006. "Knowledge, Learning and the Evolution of Conservation Practice for Social-Ecological System Resilience." Human Ecology 34(4):479-494.
Biesecker, A. & S. Hofmeister. 2010. "Focus: (Re)productivity: Sustainable Relations both between Society and Nature and between the Genders." Ecological Economics 69(8):1703-1711.
Biggs, R., et al. 2015. "Strategies for Managing Complex Social-Ecological Systems in the Face of Uncertainty: Examples from South Africa and Beyond." Ecology and Society 20.
de Blaeij, A.T., N. Polman, & S. Reinhard. 2011. "Economic Governance to Expand Commercial Wetlands: Within- and Cross-Scale Challenges." Ecology and Society 16(1)
Blair, B., A.L. Lovecraft, & G.P. Kofinas. 2014. "Meeting Institutional Criteria for Social Resilience: A Nested Risk System Model." Ecology and Society 19.
Blanco, E. 2011. "A Social-Ecological Approach to Voluntary Environmental Initiatives: The Case of Nature-Based Tourism." Policy Sciences 44(1):35-52.
Bodin, Ö., et al. 2014. "Conservation Success as a Function of Good Alignment of Social and Ecological Structures and Processes." Conservation Biology 28(5):1371-1379.
Bowd, R., N.W. Quinn, & D.C. Kotze. 2015. "Toward an Analytical Framework for Understanding Complex Social-Ecological Systems when Conducting Environmental Impact Assessments in South Africa." Ecology and Society 20.
Braat, L. 1991. "The Predictive Meaning of Sustainability Indicators." In In Search of Indicators of Sustainable Development. Boston: Kluwer Academic.
Brander, K. et al. 2010. "Human Impacts on Marine Ecosystems." In Marine Ecosystems and Global Change. M. Barange et al., eds. New York: Oxford University Press.
Brondizio, E.S. & R.R. Chowdhury. 2010. "Spatiotemporal Methodologies in Environmental Anthropology: Geographic Information Systems, Remote Sensing, Landscape Changes, and Local Knowledge." InEnvironmental Social Sciences: Methods and Research Design. I. Vaccaro et al., eds. New York: Cambridge University Press.
Brooks, S.E., J.D. Reynolds, & E.H. Allison. 2008. "Sustained by Snakes? Seasonal Livelihood Strategies and Resource Conservation by Tonle Sap Fishers in Cambodia." Human Ecology 36(6):835-851.
Brosius, J.P. & S.L. Hitchner. 2010. "Cultural Diversity and Conservation." International Social Science Journal 61(199):141-168.
Buchmann, C. 2009. "Cuban Home Gardens and Their Role in Social-Ecological Resilience." Human Ecology 37(6):705-721.
Bures, R. & W. Kanapaux. 2011. "Historical Regimes and Social Indicators of Resilience in an Urban System: The Case of Charleston, South Carolina." Ecology and Society 16(4)
Bush, S.R. et al. 2010. "Scenarios for Resilient Shrimp Aquaculture in Tropical Coastal Areas." Ecology and Society 15(2)
Butzer, K.W. & G.H. Endfield. 2012. "Critical Perspectives on Historical Collapse." PNAS 109(10):3628-3631.
Carlisle, L. 2014. "Diversity, Flexibility, and the Resilience Effect: Lessons from a Social-Ecological Case Study of Diversified Farming in the Northern Great Plains, USA." Ecology and Society 19.
Carmenta, R. et al. 2011. "Understanding Human-Fire Interactions in Tropical Forest Regions: A Case for Interdisciplinary Research across the Natural and Social Sciences." Ecology and Society 16(1).
Carpenter, S.R. et al. 2009. "Science for Managing Ecosystem Services: Beyond the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment." PNAS 106(5):1305-1312.
Carpenter, S.R. & W.A. Brock. 2008. "Adaptive Capacity and Traps." Ecology and Society 13(2).
de Castro, F. 2000. "Fishing Accords: The Political Ecology of Fishing Intensification in the Amazon." (Ph.D. Dissertation, Indiana University, 2000).
Chalise, N. et al. 2011. "System Dynamics Modeling of Livelihoods and Forest Commons in Dryland Communities of Andhra Pradesh, India." Thirteenth Biennial Conference of the International Association for the Study of Common Property, Hyderabad, India, January 2011.
Champ, J.G. & J.J. Brooks. 2010. "The Circuit of Culture: A Strategy for Understanding the Evolving Human Dimensions of Wildland Fire." Society and Natural Resources 23(6):573-582.
Chandi, M. & R. Arthur. 2011. "Common Property Resources and the Cultural Keystone Concept: A Conceptual Contribution toward Adaptive Resource Management." Thirteenth Biennial Conference of the International Association for the Study of Common Property, Hyderabad, India, January 2011.
de Chazala, J., F. Quétiera, S. Lavorela, & A. Van Doorn. 2008. "Including Multiple Differing Stakeholder Values into Vulnerability Assessments of Socio-ecological Systems." Global Environmental Change 18(3):508-520.
Cherry, T.L., L.E. Howe, & J.J. Murphy. 2015. "Sharing as Risk Pooling in a Social Dilemma Experiment." Ecology and Society 20.
Chouinard, H.H., T. Paterson, P.R. Wandschneider, & A.M. Ohler. 2008. "Will Farmers Trade Profits for Stewardship? Heterogeneous Motivations for Farm Practice Selection." Land Economics 84(1):66-82.
Cifdaloz, O., A. Regmi, J.M. Anderies, & A.A. Rodriguez. 2010. "Robustness, Vulnerability, and Adaptive Capacity in Small-Scale Social- Ecological Systems: The Pumpa Irrigation System in Nepal." North American Regional Meeting of the International Association for the Study of the Commons, Arizona State University, Tempe.
Cinner, J.E. & T.R. McClanahan. 2015. "A Sea Change on the African Coast? Preliminary Social and Ecological Outcomes of a Governance Transformation in Kenyan Fisheries." Global Environmental Change. 30: 133-139.
Cinti, A., et al. 2014. "Overfishing Drivers and Opportunities for Recovery in Small-Scale Fisheries of the Midriff Islands Region, Gulf of California, Mexico: The Roles of Land and Sea Institutions in Fisheries Sustainability." Ecology and Society 19.
Clifton, D. 2010. "Progressing a Sustainable-world: A Socio-ecological Resilience Perspective." Journal of Sustainable Development 3(4):74-96.
Cocks, K.D. & B.H. Walker. 1994. "Contribution of 'Sustainability' Criteria to Social Perceptions of Land Use Options." Land Degradation and Development 5(2):143-151.
Cody, K.C., S.M. Smith, M. Cox, & K. Andersson. 2015. "Emergence of Collective Action in a Groundwater Commons: Irrigators in the San Luis Valley of Colorado." Society & Natural Resources: An International Journal.
Cole, D.H., G. Epstein, & M.D. McGinnis. 2014. "Digging Deeper into Hardin's Pasture: The Complex Institutional Structure of 'the Tragedy of the Commons'." Journal of Institutional Economics. 10: 353-369.
Cole, S. & M. Browne. 2015. "Tourism and Water Inequality in Bali: A Social-Ecological Systems Analysis." Human Ecology.
Cork, S., ed. 2010. Resilience and Transformation: Preparing Australia for Uncertain Futures. Collingwood, Australia: CSIRO Publishing.
Corson, W. H. 1994. "Changing Course: An Outline of Strategies for a Sustainable Future." Futures 26(2):206-223.
Costanza, R. 2014. "A Theory of Socio-Ecological System Change." Journal of Bioeconomics. 16: 39-44.
Costanza, R., L.J. Graumlich, & W. Steffen, eds. 2007. Sustainability or Collapse? An Integrated History and Future of People on Earth. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
Cox, M. 2014. "Understanding Large Social-Ecological Systems: Introducing the SESMAD Project." International Journal of the Commons. 8: 265-276.
Cox, M. 2011. "Advancing the Diagnostic Analysis of Environmental Problems." International Journal of the Commons 5(2):346-363.
Crona, B., M. Nystrom, C. Folke, & N. Jiddawi. 2010. "Middlemen, a Critical Social-Ecological Link in Coastal Communities of Kenya and Zanzibar." Marine Policy 34(4):761-771.
Cumming, G. 2011. "Spatial Resilience: Integrating Landscape Ecology, Resilience, and Sustainability." Landscape Ecology 26(7):899-909.
Cumming, G.S., D.H.M. Cumming, & C.L. Redman. 2006. "Scale Mismatches in Social-Ecological Systems: Causes, Consequences, and Solutions." Ecology and Society 11(1)
Curtin, C.G. 2014. "Resilience Design: Toward a Synthesis of Cognition, Learning, and Collaboration for Adaptive Problem Solving in Conservation and Natural Resource Stewardship." Ecology and Society 19.
Darnhofer, I. 2010. "Strategies of Family Farms to Strengthen their Resilience." Environmental Policy and Governance 20(4):212-222.
Darnhofer, I., J. Fairweather, & H. Moller. 2010. "Assessing a Farm's Sustainability: Insights from Resilience Thinking." International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability 8(3):186-198.
Davidson-Hunt, I. & F. Berkes. 2003. "Learning as You Journey: Anishinaabe Perception of Social-Ecological Environments and Adaptive Learning." Conservation Ecology 8(1).
Davidson, M. 2009. "Social Sustainability: A Potential for Politics?" Local Environment 14(7):607-619.
Deelstra, T. 1995. "The European Sustainability Index Project." In A Sustainable World: Defining and Measuring Sustainable Development. T.C. Trzyna, ed. Sacramento, CA: International Center for the Environment and Public Policy.
Delgado-Serrano, M., R. Escalante, & S. Basurto. 2015. "Is the Community-Based Management of Natural Resources Inherently Linked to Resilience? An Analysis of the Santiago Comaltepec Community (Mexico)." AGER Journal of Depopulation and Rural Development Studies 18:91-114.
Dhakal, B. 2014. "The Local Environmental, Economic and Social Tragedies of International Interventions on Community Based Forest Management for Global Environmental Conservation: A Critical Evaluation." Open Journal of Forestry. 4: 58-69.
Dietz, T., E. Ostrom, & P. Stern. 2006. "The Struggle to Govern the Commons." In Science Magazine's State of the Planet 2006-2007. D. Kennedy, ed. Washington, DC: Island Press.
Dinsdale, E.A. 2009. "Linking Ecological and Perceptual Assessments for Environmental Management: A Coral Reef Case Study." Ecology and Society 14(2)
Dorward, A.R. 2014. "Livelisystems: A Conceptual Framework Integrating Social, Ecosystem, Development, and Evolutionary Theory." Ecology and Society 19.
Downard, R., J. Endter-Wada, & K.M. Kettenring. 2014. "Adaptive Wetland Management in an Uncertain and Changing Arid Environment." Ecology and Society 19.
Downing, A.S., et al. 2014. "Coupled Human and Natural System Dynamics as Key to the Sustainability of Lake Victoria's Ecosystem Services." Ecology and Society 19.
Duit, A., V. Galaz, K. Eckerberg, & J. Ebbesson. 2010. "Governance, Complexity, and Resilience." Global Environmental Change 20(3):363-368.
Ebbesson, J. 2010. "The Rule of Law in Governance of Complex Socio-Ecological Changes." Global Environmental Change 20(3):414-422.
Egan, D. 2007. "Conserving and Restoring Old Growth in Frequent-fire Forests: Cycles of Disruption and Recovery." Ecology and Society 12(2)
Eisenack, K., M. Ludeke, & J. Kropp. 2007. "Construction of Archetypes as a Formal Method to Analyze Social-Ecological Systems." (Working Paper)
Ekstrom, J.A., & O.R. Young. 2009. "Evaluating Functional Fit between a Set of Institutions and an Ecosystem." Ecology and Society 14(2)
Elmhagen, B., et al. 2015. "Interacting Effects of Change in Climate, Human Population, Land Use, and Water Use on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services." Ecology and Society 20.
Endfield, G.H. 2012. "The Resilience and Adaptive Capacity of Social-environmental Systems in Colonial Mexico." PNAS 109(10):3676-3681.
Epstein, G., M. Nenadovic, & A. Boustany. 2014. "Into the Deep Blue Sea: Commons Theory and International Governance of Atlantic Bluefin Tuna." International Journal of the Commons. 8: 277-303.
Epstein, G., et al. 2014. "Confronting Problems of Method in the Study of Sustainability." Forest Policy and Economics. 42: 42-50.
Epstein, G., et al. 2014. "Institutions and Adaptation Processes: A Social-Ecological System Approach for the Study of Adaptation to Climate Change." Workshop on the Ostrom Workshop 5, Indiana University, Bloomington, June 2014.
Epstein, G., et al. 2014. "Governing the Invisible Commons: Ozone Regulation and the Montreal Protocol." International Journal of the Commons. 8: 337-360.
Epstein, G., et al. 2014. "Studying Power with the Social-Ecological System Framework." Workshop on the Ostrom Workshop 5, Indiana University, Bloomington, June 2014.
Erickson, A. 2015. "Efficient and Resilient Governance of Social-Ecological Systems." AMBIO.
Ericksen, P.J. 2008. "What Is the Vulnerability of a Food System to Global Environmental Change?" Ecology and Society 13(2).
Eugenio Figueroa, E. & J. Aronson. 2006. "New Linkages for Protected Areas: Making them Worth Conserving and Restoring." Journal for Nature Conservation 14(3-4):225-232.
Evans, T.P. & D.H. Cole. 2014. "Contextualizing the Influence of Social Norms, Collective Action on Social-Ecological Systems." Journal of Natural Resources Policy Research. 6:259-264.
Evans, L.S., et al. 2014. "Keeping the 'Great' in the Great Barrier Reef: Large-Scale Governance of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park." International Journal of the Commons. 8: 396-427.
Ewel, K.C. 2010. "Appreciating Tropical Coastal Wetlands from a Landscape Perspective." Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 1(8):20-25.
Fabinyi, M., L.S. Evans, & S.J. Foale. 2014. "Social-Ecological Systems, Social Diversity, and Power: Insights from Anthropology and Political Ecology." Ecology and Society 19.
Farhad, S., M.A. Gual, & E. Ruiz-Ballesteros. "Linking Governance and Ecosystem Services: The Case of Isla Mayor (Andalusia, Spain)." Land Use Policy 46:91-102.
Fedreheim, G.E. & A. Sandberg. 2011. "Designing New Natural Resource Management Institutions: An Approach to Devolution of the Rights to Manage Protected Area Resources." European Regional Conference of the International Association for the Study of the Commons, Agricultural University, Plovdiv, Bulgaria.
Feola, G. & C.R. Binder. 2010. "Towards an Improved Understanding of Farmers' Behaviour: The Integrative Agent-Centred (IAC) Framework." Ecological Economics 69(12):2323-2333.
Fernandez-Gimenez, M.E., H.L. Ballard, & V.E. Sturtevant. 2008. "Adaptive Management and Social Learning in Collaborative and Community-Based Monitoring: a Study of Five Community-Based Forestry Organizations in the western USA." Ecology and Society 13(2)
Finkbeiner, E.M. 2015. "The Role of Diversification in Dynamic Small-Scale Fisheries: Lessons from Baja California Sur, Mexico." Global Environmental Change. 32: 139-152.
Fischer-Kowalski, M. & H. Haberl, eds. 2007. Socioecological Transitions and Global Change: Trajectories of Social Metabolism and Land Use. Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar.
Fischer-Kowalski, M. & J. Rotmans. 2009. "Conceptualizing, Observing, and Influencing Social-Ecological Transitions." Ecology and Society 14(2)
Fleischman, F. et al. 2010. "Disturbance, Response, and Persistence in Self-Organized Forested Communities: Analysis of Robustness and Resilience in Five Communities in Southern Indiana." Ecology and Society 15(4)
Florensa, M.C. 2009. "Adaptabilidad Institucional: Dinámicas en la Evolución de los Sistemas Socio-Ccológicos de Uso del Agua en España." (Ph.D. Dissertation, Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, 2009).
Folke, C. 2010. "Resilience Thinking: Integrating Resilience, Adaptability and Transformability." Ecology and Society 15(4)
Folke, C. 2006. "Resilience: The Emergence of a Perspective for Social-Ecological Systems Analyses." Global Environmental Change 16(3):253-267.
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Fontaine, C,M,, et al. 2014. "Towards Participatory Integrated Valuation and Modelling of Ecosystem Services under Land-Use Change." Journal of Land Use Science. 9:278-303.
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Foxon, T.J., M.S. Reed, & L.C. Stringer 2009. "Governing Long-Term Social-Ecological Change: What can the Adaptive Management and Transition Management Approaches Learn from Each Other?" Environmental Policy and Governance 19(1):3-20.
Franzén, F., et al. 2011. "Participatory Social-Ecological Modeling in Eutrophication Management: The Case of Himmerfjärden, Sweden." Ecology and Society 16(4)
Freeman, O.E., L.A. Duguma, & P.A. Minang. 2015. "Operationalizing the Integrated Landscape Approach in Practice." Ecology and Society 20.
Freitag, S., H. Biggs, & C. Breen. 2014. "The Spread and Maturation of Strategic Adaptive Management within and Beyond South African National Parks." Ecology and Society 19.
Frey, U.J., & H. Rusch. 2014. "Modeling Ecological Success of Common Pool Resource Systems Using Large Datasets." World Development 56:93-103.
Galvin, K.A., et al. 2015. "Nutritional Status of Maasai Pastoralists under Change." Human Ecology 43(3):411-424.
Garcia-Montiel, D.C., et al. 2014. "Food Sources and Accessibility and Waste Disposal Patterns across an Urban Tropical Watershed: Implications for the Flow of Materials and Energy." Ecology and Society 19.
Gardoni, P. and C. Murphy. 2010. "Gauging the Societal Impacts of Natural Disasters Using a Capability Approach." Disasters 34(3):619-636.
Gatto, P. & N. Bogataj. 2015. "Disturbances, Robustness and Adaptation in Forest Commons: Comparative Insights from Two Cases in the Southeastern Alps." Forest Policy and Economics.
Gavin, M.C., et al. 2015. "Defining Biocultural Approaches to Conservation." Trends in Ecology & Evolution.
Gelcich, S. et al. 2010. "Navigating Transformations in Governance of Chilean Marine Coastal Resources." PNAS 107(39):16794-16799.
Gezon, L.L. 2010. "Khat Commodity Chains in Madagascar: Multi-Sited Ethnography at Multiple Scales." InEnvironmental Social Sciences: Methods and Research Design. I. Vaccaro et al., eds. New York: Cambridge University Press.
Gillet, P., et al. "The Effect of Deforestation on Land Tenure in Central Africa." Washington, DC: World Bank Conference on Land and Poverty.
Glaser, M., I. Radjawali, S. Ferse, & B. Glaeser. 2010. "'Nested' Participation in Hierarchical Societies? Lessons for Social- ecological Research and Management." International Journal of Society Systems Science 2(4):390-414.
Gonzalez, C. et al. 2009. "Human-Nature Relationship in Mediterranean Streams: Integrating Different Types of Knowledge to Improve Water Management." Ecology and Society 14(2)
Gonzalez, J.A., C. Montes, J. Rodriguez, & W. Tapia. 2008. "Rethinking the Galapagos Islands as a Complex Social-Ecological System: Implications for Conservation and Management." Ecology and Society 13(2)
Gratani, M. et al. 2011. "Is Validation of Indigenous Ecological Knowledge a Disrespectful Process? A Case Study of Traditional Fishing Poisons and Invasive Fish Management from the Wet Tropics, Australia." Ecology and Society 16(3)
Gunderson, L.H. et al. 2006. "Water RATs (Resilience, Adaptability, and Transformability) in Lake and Wetland Social-Ecological Systems." Ecology and Society 11(1)
Gupta, A.K. 1985. "Socioecology of Stress: Why Do Common Property Resource Management Projects Fail? A Case Study of Sheep and Pasture Development Project in Rajasthan, India." Conference on Management of Common Property Resources, BOSTID, National Research Council of US, April 1985, Maryland.
Gutiérrez, N.L., R. Hilborn, & O. Defeo. 2010. "Co-Management of the Fisheries Commons: A Global Review." (Manuscript Draft) School of Aquatic and Fishery Sciences, University of Washington, Seattle.
Haberl, H. et al. 2009. "Towards an Integrated Model of Socioeconomic Biodiversity Drivers, Pressures and Impacts. A Feasibility Study based on Three European Long-Term Socio-ecological Research Platforms." Ecological Economics 68(6):1797-1812.
Hagerman, S.M., H. Dowlatabadi, & T. Satterfield. 2010. "Observations on Drivers and Dynamics of Environmental Policy Change: Insights from 150 Years of Forest Management in British Columbia." Ecology and Society 15.
Hambly, H. 1995. "Grassroots Indicators for Sustainable Development." IDRC Reports 23(1):24-26.
Hames, R. 2010. "Production Decisions and Time Allocation: A Guide to Data Collection." In Environmental Social Sciences: Methods and Research Design. I. Vaccaro et al.eds. New York: Cambridge University Press.
Hannon, B. 1992. "Measures of Economic and Ecological Health." In Ecosystem Health: New Goals for Environmental Policy. R. Costanza et al., eds. Washington, DC: Island Press.
Hansen, W.D. 2014. "Generalizable Principles for Ecosystem Stewardship-Based Management of Social-Ecological Systems: Lessons Learned from Alaska." Ecology and Society 19.
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