Subject bibliography on police studies
This page was last updated April 2022.
This page was last updated April 2022.
Allen, D.N. 1980. "Street-Level Police Supervision: The Effect of Supervision on Police Officer Activities, Agency Outputs, and Neighborhood Outcomes." (Ph.D. Dissertation, Indiana University, 1980).
Allen, D.N. 1976. "Equity in the Delivery of Police Services." (Working Paper)
Allen, D.N. 1976. "Thoughts on Public Goods and the Delivery of Police Services." (Working Paper)
Antunes, G. & E. Ostrom. 1979. "Situational, Personal and Behavioral Determinants of Citizen Satisfaction in Specific Encounters with Police: An Initial Analysis." Western Political Science Association Annual Meetings, March 1979.
Antunes, G. & E.J. Scott 1981. "Calling the Cops: Police Telephone Operators and Citizen Calls for Service." Journal of Criminal Justice 9(2):165-180.
Baron, H.M. 1968. "Black Powerlessness in Chicago." Transaction 6:27-33.
Beck, G.N. 1961. "Municipal Police Performance Rating." The Journal of Criminal Law, Criminology and Police Science51:567-574.
Bell, J. 2002. Policing Hatred: Law Enforcement, Civil Rights, and Hate Crime. New York: New York University Press.
Bish, R.L. and E.G. Clemens. 2008. "Protective Services." In Local Government in British Columbia. Richmond, BC, Canada: Union of British Columbia Municipalities.
Bish, R.L. and V. Ostrom. 1973. Understanding Urban Government: Metropolitan Reform Reconsidered. Washington, DC: American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research.
Blackstone, E.A., A.J. Buck, S. Hakim, and U. Spiegel. 2007. "The Disturbance Model and Congestion in Emergency Response." Manchester School 75(1):104-121.
Boettke, P.J., J.S. Lemke, and L. Palagashvili. 2013. "Riding in Cars with Boys: Elinor Ostrom's Adventures with the Police." Journal of Institutional Economics 9(4):407-425.
Boettke, P.J., L. Palagashvili, and J.S. Lemke. 2012. "The Relevance of the Municipality Debate for the Solution of Collective Action Problems." Design and Dynamics of Institutions for Collective Action: A Tribute to Prof. Elinor Ostrom, Second Thematic Conference of the IASC.
Bordua, D.J., and L.L. Tifft. 1971. "Citizen Interviews, Organizational Feedback, and Police-Community Relations Decisions." Law and Society 6(2):157-182.
Brown, M.M. and J.L. Brudney. 2003. "Learning Organizations in the Public Sector? A Study of Police Agencies Employing Information and Technology to Advance Knowledge." Public Administration Review 63(1):30-43.
Brown, M.K. 1978. "The Impact of Alternative Forms of Citizen Control on Police Organization and Police Discretion." (Working Paper)
Burbrink, R.D. "An Analysis of Citizen Evaluations of the Bloomington Police Department: The Relationship between Young People and the Police." (Working Paper)
Cameron, D.M. 1978. "Historical Perspective on Urban Police." Journal of Urban History 5(1):125-132.
Carlson, H.M., and M.S. Sutton. 1979. "Some Factors in Community Evaluation of Police Street Performance." American Journal of Community Psychology 7(6):583-591.
Carlson, H.M., and M.S. Sutton. 1977. "Consumer Evaluation of Police Performance." National Criminal Justice Evaluation, Washington, DC. (Panel no. 6: Evaluating the Performance of Police).
Carter, M. 1980. "Police Structure, Command and Control under Federalism: The Nigerian Case." U.S. Department of State, Washington, DC.
Chicago Police Department, Operations Research Task Force. 1969. "Allocation of Resources in the Chicago Police Department: Supplement to Report Two, Program Budget." Chicago Police Department, Operations Research Task Force, Chicago, IL.
Cohen, S.H., ed. 1971. Images of Deviance. Baltimore, MD: Penguin Books.
Cohen, S.H. 1975. "Once More around the Barn on the Police Mentality Syndrome." Pennsylvania Political Science and Public Administration Association, April 5, 1975.
Crye, S. 1974. "Legal Structure of Police Organization in Indiana." (Working Paper) Indiana University, Workshop in Political Theory and Policy Analysis, Bloomington, IN.
Darrough, W.D. 1977. "When Versions Collide: Police and the Dialectics of Accountability." Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of Social Problems, Chicago, IL, September 1977.
Dean, D. 1982. "Comparative Models of the Social Services Production Process: The Case of Police Service Production in Police-Citizen Encounters." (Ph.D. Dissertation, Indiana University, 1982).
Eastman Middleton Associates. 1971. "Consolidation of Police Services. The Snohomish County Experience - a Status Report and Key Recommendations." National Technical Information Service, U.S. Department of Commerce, Springfield, VA. (PB-224 301).
Eastman, G.D. and S.G. Chapman. 1976. Short of Merger: Countywide Police Resource Pooling. Lexington, MA: Lexington Books.
Efuntoye, S.D. 1996. "Maintenance of Law and Order in Olorunda Local Government Area of Osun State of Nigeria Being the Report of a Field Attachment." (M.P.A. Thesis, Obafemi Awolowo University, 1996).
Feinberg, S.E., K. Larntz, and A.J. Reiss. 1976. "Redesigning the Kansas City Preventive Patrol Experiment." Evaluation3(1&2):124-131.
Fielder, V.D. 1976. "Priorities for the Coverage of Law Enforcement News: Perceptions of Citizens, Police, and Media Gatekeepers." (Ph.D. Dissertation, Indiana University, 1976).
Finszter, G. 2001. "Self-Government and the Protection of Public Security and Order in Hungary." In Local Community, Public Security: Central and Eastern European Countries under Transformation. J. Widacki, M. Maczynski, and J. Czapska, eds. Warsaw: Institute of Public Affairs.
Fisk, D.M. 1970. "The Indianapolis Police Fleet Plan: An Example of Program Evaluation for Local Government." (Working Paper) The Urban Institute, Washington, DC.
Fowler, N. 1979. "The Police Idea." In After the Riots, The Police in Europe. London: Davis-Poynter.
Fung, A. 2000. "Accountable Autonomy: Toward Empowered Deliberation in Chicago Schools and Policing." (Working Paper)
Graber, D.A. 1977. "Evaluating Crime-Fighting Policies: The Public's Perspective." University of Illinois, Chicago, IL. 1977 Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, Washington, DC.
Greene, V.L. 1976. "A Manual Describing the Data Set Comparing Police Performance in Three Independent Black Communities and Two Black Neighborhoods Served By the Chicago Police Department Collected in October, 1970." Workshop in Political Theory and Policy Analysis, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN.
Guidone, P.F., and J. Gervasio. 1978. "Directed Deterent Patrol: The Small Department's Approach." The Police Chief45(2):35-37.
Hakim, S., A. Ovadia, E. Sagi, and J. Weinblatt. 1978. "Interjurisdictional Spillover of Crime and Police Expenditure." (Working Paper)
Haller, M. 1972. "Urban Vice and Civic Reform: Chicago in the Early Twentieth Century." In Cities in Amercian History. K.T. Jackson and S.K. Schultz,eds. New York: Alfred A. Knopf.
Haller, M. 1970. "Police Reform in Chicago, 1905-1935." Behavioral Scientist 29:649-666.
Heinke, J.M. 1977. "An Econometric Investigation of Production Cost Functions for Law Enforcement Agencies." Center for the Econometric Studies of Crime and the Criminal Justice System, Hoover Institution, Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA.
Henig, J., R.L. Lineberry, and N. Milner. "The Policy Impact of Policy Evaluation: Some Implications of the Kansas City Patrol Experiment." (Working Paper)
Hirsch, G.B., and L.J. Riccio. 1974. "Measuring and Improving the Productivity of Police Patrol." Journal of Police Science and Administration 2(2):168-184.
Hoffman, H. 1971. "Policing the Police." In Governing the City. New York: Pocket Books.
Holdaway, S. 1977. "Changes in Urban Policing." British Journal of Sociology 28(2):119-137.
Institute of Public Affairs. 1970. "Legal Aspects of Local Government in Iowa." Institute of Public Affairs, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA. (Local Government in Iowa: Problems and Perspectives, Working Paper, No. 1).
Jermier, J.M., and L.J. Berkes. 1979. "Leader Behavior in a Police Command Bureaucracy: A Closer Look at the Quasi-Military Model." Administrative Science Quarterly 14(1):1-23.
Johnson, K.W. 1977. "Police Interagency Relations: Some Research Findings." (Sage Professional Papers in Administrative Policy Studies, no. 03-039).
Kansas City Missouri Police Department. 1972. "1972 Survey of Municipal Police Departments (Cities of 300,000 to 1,000,000 Population) 1970 Census." Kansas City Missouri Police Department, Kansas City, MO.
Kaplan, E.H. 1978. "Evaluating the Effectiveness of One-Versus Two-Officer Patrol Units." Operations Research Center, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA. (Technical Reprot No. 153).
Kelling, G.L., T. Pate, D. Dieckman, and C.E. Brown. 1974. "The Kansas City Preventive Patrol Experiment; A Summary Report." The Police Foundation, Washington, DC.
Kelly, R.M. 1977. "Sources of the Community Control over Police Movement." New Jersey Political Science Association Conference, Glassboro, NJ, April 23, 1977.
Kelly, R.M., and G. West. 1972. "The Racial Transition of a Police Force: A Profile of White and Black Policemen in Washington, DC." In The Urban Policeman in Transition. C.C. Thomas, ed.
Kelly, R. 1980. "The Kansas City, Missouri Police Department Information Systems Plan." The Police Chief 47(4):44-45.
Kenney, J.P. 1972. "Team Policing Organization; A Theoretical Model." Police 16(2):17-22.
Kessler, D.A. 1989. "Improving Policing: The Impact of Neighborhood-Oriented Policing on Officers' Attitudes toward the Public." (Ph.D. Dissertation, Indiana University, 1989).
Kessler, D.A. 1985. "One- or Two-Officer Cars? A Perspective from Kansas City." Journal of Criminal Justice 13:49-64.
Kim, In. 1992. "A Framework for Institutional Analysis of Urban Service Delivery Performance: The Case of Police Service." Journal of Local Government and Administration 4(1):47-80.
Koepsell-Girard and Associates. 1973. "The Effect of Consolidation on the Productivity and Quality of Law Enforcement in Jacksonville." Koepsell-Girard and Associates, Falls Church, VA. (Consolidation of Police Services Case Study: Jacksonville, FL Research Papers Volume II).
Kramer, T.W. 1977. "A Review of State Laws Relating to 'Interagency Cooperation'." Workshop in Political Theory and Policy Analysis, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN. (Police Services Study Technical Report no. T-21).
Kramer, T.W., F. Anechiarico, and L. Wagner. 1976. "State Statutory Authorization of the Law Enforcement Functions of State, County, and Municipal Agencies." Workshop in Political Theory and Policy Analysis, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN. (Police Services Study Technical Report no. T-6).
Langworthy, R.H. 1983. "The Formal Structure of Municipal Police Organizations." (Ph.D. Dissertation, State University of New York at Albany, 1983).
Lankes, G.A. 1974. "Central Services for Police." Journal of Police Science and Administration 2(1):66-76.
Lentz, C. 1978. "An Evaluation of the Vincennes Trail Law Enforcement Major Case Squad." Vincennes Trail Law Enforcement Commission, Salem, IL.
Lynch, G.P. 2020. “Decentralize the Police.” (Working Paper)
Marenin, O. 1980. "Police Systems in African States; An Overview." Annual Convention of the African Studies Association, Philadelphia, PA, October 1980.
Mastrofski, S.D. 1989. "Police Agency Consolidation: Lessons from a Case Study." In Police Practice in the Nineties: Key Management Issues. J.J. Fyfe, ed. Washington, DC: International City/County Management Association.
Mastrofski, S.D. 1988. "Varieties of Police Governance in Metropolitan America." Politics and Policy VIII:12-31.
Mastrofski, S.D. 1986. "Police Agency Accreditation: The Prospects of Reform." American Journal of Police 5(2):45-82.
Mastrofski, S.D. 1983. "The Role of Suspect Intoxication in the Police Disposition of Public Encounters." Paper prepared for delivery at the Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Denver Marriott Hotel--City Center, Denver, CO, November 9-13, 1983.
Mastrofski, S.D., and R.B. Parks. 1990. "Improving Observational Studies of Police." Criminology 28(3):475-96.
Mastrofski, S.D., et al. 1998. "Systematic Obersvation of Public Police: Applying Field Research Methods to Policy Issues." National Institute of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, US Department of Justice, Washington, DC.
McDavid, J.C. 1977. "The Effects of Interjurisdictional Cooperation on Police Performance in the St. Louis Metropolitan Area." Publius: The Journal of Federalism 7(2):2-30.
McDavid, J.C. 1975. "Interjurisdictional Cooperation and Police Performance: The St. Louis Experience." (Ph.D. Dissertation, Indiana University, 1975).
McDavid, J.C. 1975. "The Major Case Squad of the Greater St. Louis Metropolitan Area." Workshop in Political Theory and Policy Analysis, Bloomington, IN. (Working Papers, S75-1).
McDavid, J.C. 1974. "Interjurisdictional Cooperation among Police Departments in the St. Louis Metropolitan Area." Publius, The Journal of Federalism 4(4):35-58.
McGinnis, M.D., ed. 1999. Polycentricity and Local Public Economies: Readings from the Workshop in Political Theory and Policy Analysis. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press.
McIver, J.P. 1986. "The Control of Bureaucrats in Representative Democracies: A Study of Urban Policing." (Ph.D. Dissertation, Indiana University, 1986).
McIver, J.P. 1979. "Comparative Analysis of Police Service Industries: A Matrix Methodology for Describing Interorganizational Relationships." (Working Paper)
McIver, J.P. 1978. "The Relationship between Metropolitan Police Industry Structure and Interagency Assistance: A Preliminary Assessment." Policy Study Journal 7:406-413.
McIver, J.P. 1976. "The Effects of State Laws on Municipal Police Departments: Mutual Assistance in Metropolitan Areas." Workshop in Political Theory and Policy Analysis, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN. (Police Services Study Technical Report no. T-20).
McIver, J.P., and R.B. Parks. 1983. "Evaluating Police Performance: Idenfication of Effective and Ineffective Police Actions." In Police at Work: Policy Issues and Analysis. R. Bennet, ed. Beverly Hills: Sage.
McIver, J.P., and R.B. Parks. 1982. "Effective and Ineffective Uses of Patrol Officer Discretion." Workshop in Political Theory and Policy Analysis, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN. Annual Meeting of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Louisville, KY, March 1982.
Miclea, D. 2001. "An Analysis of the Crime Prevention in Romania." In Local Community, Public Security: Central and Eastern European Countries under Transformation. J. Widacki, et al., eds. Warsaw: Institute of Public Affairs.
Mills, G. 1973. "The Development of the Full Service-Model New York City Police Department." (Working Paper)
Milner, N. 1972. "Comparative Analysis of Patterns of Compliance with Supreme Court Decisions: 'Miranda' and the Police in Four Communities." In Compliance and the Law: A Multi-Disciplinary Approach. S. Krislov et al., eds. Beverly Hills: Sage.
Mintz, E., and G.B. Sandler. 1973. "A Full Service Model for the New York City Police Department." Coordinators for Training & Evaluation, Office of Program and Policies, New York City Police Department, New York City, NY.
Moore, J.E., and A.J. Wyner. 1975. "Responses of Law Enforcement Agencies to External Grievance Mechanisms." American Politics Quarterly 3(1):60-80.
Müller, T.S., and S. Stähler. 2005. "Privatization of Police Services in Frankfurt, Germany." In Limits to Privatization: How to Avoid too Much of a Good Thing. E.U. von Weizsäcker, O. R. Young, and M. Finger, eds. Sterling, VA: Earthscan.
Neithercutt, M.B., and W.H. Moseley. 1974. "Arrest Decisions as Preludes to ?; An Evaluation of Policy Related Research, Vol. II. Study Design, Findings, and Policy Implications." National Science Foundation, RANN, Washington, DC.
Neubert, N.M. 1976. "Compensation to Police Officers." Workshop in Political Theory and Policy Analysis, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN. (Police Services Study Technical Report no. T-8).
Nilsson, E. and W.R. Gersch. 1969. "Allocation of Resources in the Chicago Police Department: Report Two, Program Budget." Chicago Police Department Operations Research Task Force, Chicago, IL.
Ostrom, E. 2010. "Organizational Economics: Applications to Metropolitan Governance." Journal of Institutional Economics6(1):109-115.
Ostrom, E. 1998. "El Estudio Comparativo de las Economías Publicas." In Federalismo: De la Teoría a la Práctica. Instituto Cultural Ludwig Von Mises, ed. Mexico City: Instituto Cultural Ludwig Von Mises. (Cuadernos De Federalismo III).
Ostrom, E. 1997. "The Comparative Study of Public Economies." Workshop in Political Theory and Policy Analysis, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN. Acceptance paper for The Frank E. Seidman Distinguished Award in Political Economy, Rhodes College, Memphis, TN. (Workshop Working Paper Series no. W97-21).
Ostrom, E. 1985. "Racial Inequalities in Low-Income Central City and Suburban Communities: The Case of Police Services." In Policy Implementation in Federal and Unitary States. K. Hanf and T. Toonen, eds. Dordrecht, the Netherlands: Martinus Nijhoff.
Ostrom, E. 1983. "Equity as a Performance Issue in Urban Policing." In Analyzing Performance in Criminal Justice Agencies. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage.
Ostrom, E. 1983. "Equity in Police Services." In Evaluating Performance of Criminal Justice Agencies. G.P. Whitaker and C. Phillips, eds. Beverly Hills: Sage. (Sage Criminal Justice System Annuals, v. 19).
Ostrom, E. 1982. "Equity in Policing: The Social Stratification-Government Inequality Thesis Explored." (Working Paper).
Ostrom, E. 1980. "Putting the Citizen Back in the City." Junior League Review.
Ostrom, E. 1979. "The Public Service Production Process: A Framework for Analyzing Police Services." In Evaluating Alternative Law-Enforcement Policies. R. Baker and F.A. Meyer, eds. Lexington, MA: Lexington Books.
Ostrom, E. 1978. "Citizen Participation and Policing: What do we know?" Journal of Voluntary Action Research 7(1-2):102-108.
Ostrom, E. 1977. "Police Department Policies toward Education." Workshop in Political Theory and Policy Analysis, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN. (Police Services Study no. T-37).
Ostrom, E. 1976. "A Historical Review of Entry-Level Training Legislation." Workshop in Political Theory and Policy Analysis, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN. (Police Services Study Technical Report no. T-4).
Ostrom, E. 1976. "On Evaluating the Effectiveness, Responsiveness, Equity, and Efficiency of Police Organizational Arrangements in Metropolitan Areas." (Working Paper 76-5).
Ostrom, E. 1975. "The Design of Institutional Arrangements and the Responsiveness of the Police." In People vs. Government: The Responsiveness of American Institutions. L.N. Rieselbach, ed. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press.
Ostrom, E. 1975. "Interorganizational Arrangements in Urban Police Services." International Institute of Management Interorganizational Decision-Making and Public Policy, Berlin, June 17-21, 1975. (Working Paper 75-3).
Ostrom, E. 1975. "Multi-Mode Measures: From Potholes to Police." Productivity and Program Evaluation: Challenges for the Public Service, June 1975.
Ostrom, E. 1975. "On Righteousness, Evidence, and Reform: The Police Story." Urban Affairs Quarterly 10(4):464-485.
Ostrom, E. 1975. "The Topeka Major Case Squad." Workshop in Political Theory and Policy Analysis, Bloomington, IN. (Police Services Study Fact Sheet, no. 1).
Ostrom, E. 1974. "Improving the Performance of Local Government from the Citizen's Point of View." Increasing Understanding of Public and Policies- 1974:103-113.
Ostrom, E. 1973. "On the Meaning and Measurement of Output and Efficiency in the Production of Urban Police Services." Journal of Criminal Justice 1:93-112.
Ostrom, E. 1971. "Institutional Arrangements and the Measurement of Policy Consequences in Urban Areas." Urban Affairs Quarterly 6(4):447-476.
Ostrom, E, W.H. Baugh, R. Guarasci, R.B. Parks, and G.P. Whitaker. 1973. Community Organization and the Provision of Police Services. H.G. Frederickson, ed. Beverly Hills, CA: SAGE. (Administrative & Policy Studies Series, No. 03-001).
Ostrom, E. and G. Nevin. 1976. "On Dissemination." Workshop in Political Theory & Policy Analysis, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN. (Administrative Report, No. 6).
Ostrom, E. and R.B. Parks. 1999. "Neither Gargantua nor the Land of Lilliputs: Conjectures on Mixed Systems of Metropolitan Organization." In Polycentricity and Local Public Economies: Readings from the Workshop in Political Theory and Policy Analysis. M.D. McGinnis, ed. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.
Ostrom, E. and R.B. Parks. 1973. "Suburban Police Departments: Too Many and Too Small." In The Urbanization of the Surburbs. L.H. Masotti and J.K. Hadden, eds. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage. (Urban Affairs Annual Reviews, vol. 7).
Ostrom, E, R.B. Parks, S.L. Percy, and G.P. Whitaker. 1979. "Evaluating Police Organization." Public Productivity Review3(3):3-27.
Ostrom, E., R.B. Parks, and D.C. Smith. 1973. "A Multi-Strata, Similar Systems Design for Measuring Police Performance." (Working Paper) Workshop in Political Theory and Policy Analysis, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN.
Ostrom, E., R.B. Parks, and G.P. Whitaker. 1999. "Defining and Measuring Structural Variations in Interorganizational Arrangements." In Polycentricity and Local Public Economies: Readings from the Workshop in Political Theory and Policy Analysis. M.D. McGinnis, ed. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.
Ostrom, E., R.B. Parks, and G.P. Whitaker. 1978. Patterns of Metropolitan Policing. Cambridge, MA: Ballinger.
Ostrom, E., R.B. Parks, and G.P. Whitaker. 1978. "Police Agency Size: Some Evidence on its Effects." Police Studies 1(1):34-46.
Ostrom, E., R.B. Parks, and G.P. Whitaker. 1978. "Policing: Is There a System?" The Policy Cycle. (Sage Yearbooks in Politics and Public Policy, Vol. 5).
Ostrom, E, R.B. Parks, and G.P. Whitaker. 1978. "Some Evidence of the Effects of Policy Agency Size." The Police Chief45(2):28-31.
Ostrom, E., R.B. Parks, and G.P. Whitaker. 1978. "Some Evidence on the Effects of Police Agency Size." The Police Chief45(2):28-31.
Ostrom, E., R.B. Parks, and G.P. Whitaker. 1977. Policing Metropolitan America. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office.
Ostrom, E., R.B. Parks, and G.P. Whitaker. 1976. "Evaluating the Organization of Service Delivery: The Police." Workshop in Political Theory & Policy Analysis, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN. National Science Foundation's Second Symposium on Research applied to National Needs, Washington DC, November 1976. (Police Services Study Technical Report, T-26).
Ostrom, E., R.B. Parks, and G.P. Whitaker. 1976. "A Public Service Industry Approach to the Study of Police in Metropolitan Areas." Workshop in Political Theory and Policy Analysis, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN. (Police Services Study Technical Report no. T-19).
Ostrom, E., R.B. Parks, and G.P. Whitaker. 1975. "Evaluating the Organization of Service Delivery: Police." Workshop in Political Theory and Policy Analysis, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN.
Ostrom, E., R.B. Parks, and G.P. Whitaker. 1975. "Police in Metropolitan America; The Police Services Study Handbook (Preliminary Report)." Workshop in Political Theory and Policy Analysis, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN.
Ostrom, E., R.B. Parks, and G.P. Whitaker. 1974. "The Effect of Size and Community Control on the Provision of Police Services: A Comparative Study of Three Independent Communities and Three Matched City Neighborhoods within One Metropolitan Area." Public Choice Society Meetings, Blacksburg, VA, April 1971.
Ostrom, E., R.B. Parks, and G.P. Whitaker. 1973. "Do We Really Want to Consolidate Urban Police Forces? A Reappraisal of Some Old Assertions." Public Administration Review 33:423-432.
Ostrom, E., R.B. Parks, and G.P. Whitaker. 1973. "Do We Really Want to Consolidate Urban Police Forces? A Reappraisal of Some Old Assertions." In The Urbanization of the Suburbs. L.H. Masotti and J.K. Hadden, eds. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage. (Urban Affairs Annual Reviews, vol. 7).
Ostrom, E., R.B. Parks, G.P. Whitaker, and S.L. Percy. 1978. "The Public Service Production Process: A Framework for Analyzing Police Services." Policy Studies Journal 7:381-389.
Ostrom, E., R.B. Parks, G.P. Whitaker, and S.L. Percy. 1978. "The Public Service Production Process: A Framework for Analyzing Police Services." (Working Paper) Workshop in Political Theory and Policy Analysis, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN.
Ostrom, E. and D.C. Smith. 1976. "On the Fate of 'Lilliputs' in Metropolitan Policing." Public Administration Review36(2):192-200.
Ostrom, E. and G.P. Whitaker. 1999. "Community Control and Governmental Responsiveness: The Case of Police in Black Communities." In Polycentricity and Local Public Economies: Readings from the Workshop in Political Theory and Policy Analysis. M.D. McGinnis, ed. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.
Ostrom, E. and G.P. Whitaker. 1999. "Does Local Community Control of Police Make a Difference? Some Preliminary Findings." In Polycentricity and Local Public Economies: Readings from the Workshop in Political Theory and Policy Analysis. M.D. McGinnis, ed. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.
Ostrom, E. and G.P. Whitaker. 1974. "Community Control and Governmental Responsiveness: The Case of Police in Black Communities." In Improving the Quality of Urban Management. W. D. Hawley and D. Rogers, eds. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage. (Urban Affairs Annual Reviews, vol. 8).
Ostrom, E. and G.P. Whitaker. 1973. "Does Local Community Control of Police Make a Difference? Some Preliminary Findings." American Journal of Political Science 17(1):48-76.
Oxnard [CA] Police Department. 1981. "The Integrated Criminal Apprehension Program, Phase III: Supplemental Funding Application: Modification and Extension, Enhancement of Arson, Career Criminal Prosecution, Victim/Witness Assistance, Comprehensive Crime Prevention." Oxnard Police Department, Oxnard, CA.
Palda, F. 1998. Home on the Urban Range: An Idea Map for Reforming the City. Vancouver, Canada: Fraser Institute.
Parks, R.B. 1985. "Mathematical Programming Methods as an Alternative to the General Linear Model: An Application to Police Services." Workshop in Political Theory and Policy Analysis, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN. (Working Paper W85-16).
Parks, R.B. 1985. "Metropolitan Structure and Systemic Performance: The Case of Police Service Delivery." In Policy Implementation in Federal and Unitary States. K. Hanf and T. Toonen, eds. Dordrecht, the Netherlands: Martinus Nijhoff.
Parks, R.B. 1984. "Citizen Surveys for Police Performance Assessments: Some Issues in Their Use." In Understanding Police Agency Performance. G.P. Whitaker, ed. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Justice, National Institute of Justice.
Parks, R.B. 1984. "Comparing Citizen and Observer Perceptions of Police-Citizen Encounters." In Understanding Police Agency Performance. G.P. Whitaker, ed. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Justice.
Parks, R.B. 1984. "Linking Objective and Subjective Measures of Performance." Public Administration Review 44:118-127.
Parks, R.B. 1984. "Linking Subjective and Objective Measures of Performance." In Understanding Police Agency Performance. G.P. Whitaker, ed. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Justice, National Institute of Justice.
Parks, R.B. 1982. "Citizen Surveys for Police Performance Assessments: Some Issues in their Use." The Urban Interest4(1):17-26.
Parks, R.B. 1982. "How to Study the Effects of Structure." Workshop in Political Theory and Policy Analysis, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN. (Working Paper W82-13).
Parks, R.B. 1981. "Service and/or Crime Fighting: Efficiency and Tradeoffs in American Local Policing." Workshop in Political Theory and Policy Analysis, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN. (Working Paper W81-23).
Parks, R.B. 1979. "Assessing the Influence of Organization on Performance: A Study of Police Services in Residential Neighborhoods." (Ph.D. Dissertation, Indiana University, 1979).
Parks, R.B. 1979. "Assessing the Influence of Organization on Performance; A Study of Police Services in Residential Neighborhoods." (Working Paper)
Parks, R.B. 1978. "Administrative Rule-Making by the Police; Can it Deliver as Promised?" (Working Paper)
Parks, R.B. 1978. "Police Reorganization; A Review of Its Evaluation." In How Well Does it Work? Review of Criminal Justice Evaluation.
Parks, R.B. 1976. "Complementary Measures of Police Performance." In Public Policy Evaluation, Vol. II. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage. (Sage Yearbooks in Politics and Public Policy).
Parks, R.B. 1976. "Police Patrol in Metropolitan Areas; Implications for Restructuring the Police." Urban Affairs Annual Reviews 10:261-283.
Parks, R.B. 1976. "Police Response to Victimizations: Effects on Citizen Attitudes and Perceptions." In Sample Surveys of the Victims of Crime. W.G. Skogan, ed. Cambridge, MA: Ballinger.
Parks, R.B. 1976. "Victim’s Satisfaction with Police: The Response Factor." Workshop in Political Theory and Policy Analysis, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN. (Public Services Study Technical Report, no. T-13).
Parks, R.B. 1971. "Measurement of Performance in the Public Sector: A Case Study of the Indianapolis Police Department." (M.A. Thesis, Indiana University, 1971).
Parks, R.B., S.D. Mastrofski, C. DeJong, and M.K. Gray. 1999. "How Officers Spend Their Time with the Community." National Institute of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice, Washington, DC.
Parks, R.B., and E. Ostrom. 1984. "Policing as a Multi-Firm Industry." In Understanding Police Agency Performance. G.P. Whitaker, ed. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office.
Percy, S.L. 1980. "Response Time and Citizen Evaluation of Police." Journal of Police Science and Administration 8(1):75-86.
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