Subject bibliography on Game Theory
This page was last updated April 2022.
This page was last updated April 2022.
Aadland, D. and V. Kolpin. 2004. “Environmental Determinants of Cost Sharing.” Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 53(4):495-511.
Abbink, K., J. Brandts, B. Herrmann, and H. Orzen. 2010. “Intergroup Conflict and Intra-Group Punishment in an Experimental Contest Game.” American Economic Review 100(1):420-447.
Abbink, K., B. Irlenbusch, and E. Renner. 2000. “The Moonlighting Game: Experimental Study on Reciprocity and Retribution.” Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 42(2):265-277.
Abdellaoui, M. and J.D. Hey, eds. 2008. Advances in Decision Making Under Risk and Uncertainty. Berlin: Springer.
Abell, P. 1996. “A Model of the Informal Structure (Culture) of Organizations: Help, Trust, Rivalry, and Team Spirit.” Rationality and Society 8(4):433-452.
Abell, P. and D. Reyniers. 2000. “Generalised Reciprocity and Reputation in the Theory of Cooperation: A Framework.” Analyse & Kritik 22(1):3-18.
Abreu, D. 1986. “Extremal Equilibria of Oligopolistic Supergames.” Journal of Economic Theory 0;39:191-225.
Abreu, D. and A. Rubinstein. 1988. “The Structure of Nash Equilibrium in Repeated Games with Finite Automata.” Econometrica 56:1259-1282.
Acheson, J.M. and R. Gardner. 2011. “The Evolution of the Maine Lobster V-Notch Practice: Cooperation in a Prisoner’s Dilemma Game.” Ecology and Society 16(1)
Acheson, J.M. and R.J. Gardner. 2004. “Strategies, Conflict, and the Emergence of Territoriality: The Case of the Maine Lobster Industry.” American Anthropologist 106(2):296-307.
Acheson, J.M. and J. Knight. 2000. “Distribution Fights, Coordination Games, and Lobster Management.” Comparative Studies in Society and History 42(1):209-238.
Aggarwal, V.K. and C. Dupont. 1999. “Goods, Games, and Institutions.” International Political Science Review20(3):393-409.
Agrawal, A. and S. Goyal. 2001. “Group Size and Collective Action: Third-Party Monitoring in Common-Pool Resources.” Comparative Political Studies 34(1):63-93.
Ahlbrecht, M. and M. Weber. 1995. “An Empirical Study on Intertemporal Choice under Risk.” Game Theory and the Behavioral Sciences, Tuscon, AZ, October 1995.
Ahlert, M. and A. Crüger. 1999. “An Experimental Analysis of Equal Punishment Games.” Humboldt-Universität Zu Berlin, Wirtschafswissenschaftliche Fakultät, Berlin.
Ahn, T.K. 2001. “Foundations for Cooperation in Social Dilemmas.” (Ph.D. Dissertation, Indiana University, 2001).
Ahn, T.K. et al. 1999. “Generating Distrust in PD Games: Fear, Greed, and History of Play.” Workshop in Political Theory and Policy Analysis, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN.
Ahn, T.K. and J. Esarey. 2008. “A Dynamic Model of Generalized Social Trust.” Journal of Theoretical Politics20(2):151-180.
Ahn, T.K., J.E. and J.T. Scholz. 2009. “Reputation and Cooperation in Voluntary Exchanges: Comparing Local and Central Institutions.” The Journal of Politics 71(2):398-413.
Ahn, T.K., M. Isaac, and T.C. Salmon. 2008. “Endogenous Group Formation.” Journal of Public Economic Theory 10(2):171-194.
Ahn, T.K., M.A. Janssen, D.S. Reiners, and J.E. Stake. 2003. “Learning to Play Nice: Strategy Evolution in the National Hockey League.” (Working Paper)
Ahn, T.K., E. Ostrom, D. Schmidt, R.Shupp, and J. Walker. 2001. “Cooperation in PD Games: Fear, Greed, and History of Play.” Public Choice 106:137-155.
Ahn, T.K., E. Ostrom, D. Schmidt, and J. Walker. 2003. “Trust in Two-Person Games: Game Structures and Linkages.” In Trust & Reciprocity: Interdisciplinary Lessons from Experimental Research. E. Ostrom and J. Walker, eds. New York: Russell Sage Foundation.
Ahn, T.K., E. Ostrom, and J.M. Walker. 2002. “Incorporating Motivational Heterogeneity into Game Theoretic Models of Collective Action.” 2002 Meeting of the Public Choice Society, San Diego, CA, March 2002.
Ahn, T.K., E. Ostrom, and J.W. Walker. 2003. “Heterogeneous Preferences and Collective Action.” Public Choice 117(3-4):295-314.
Ainslie, G. 2005. “You Can’t Give Permission to be a Bastard: Empathy and Self-Signaling as Uncontrollable Independent Variables in Bargaining Games.” Behavioral and Brain Sciences 28(6):815-816.
Akerlof, G. and R.E. Kranton. 2000. “Economics and Identity.” The Quarterly Journal of Economics 115(3):715-753.
Albers, W. 2000. “Prominence Theory as a Tool to Model Boundedly Rational Decisions.” In Bounded Rationality: The Adaptive Toolbox. G. Gigerenzer and R. Selten, eds. Boston, MA: MIT Press.
Albers, W. 1995. “Foundations of a Theory of Prominence: Present State and Outview.” Game Theory and the Behavioral Sciences, Tuscon, AZ, October 1995.
Albers, W. 1994. “Ten Rules of Bargaining Sequences: A Boundedly Rational Model of Coalition Bargaining in Characteristic Function Games.” In Social Dilemmas and Cooperation. U. Schulz, W. Albers, and U. Meuller, eds. New York: Springer-Verlag.
Albers, W., M. Strobel, and R. Selten, eds. 1997. Understanding Strategic Interaction: Essays in Honor of Reinhard Selten. New York: Springer.
Albert, M., W. Güth, E. Kirchler, and B. Maciejovsky. 2002. “Are We Nice(r) to Nice(r) People? An Experimental Analysis.” Max Planck Institute for Research into Economic Systems, Strategic Interaction Group, Jena, Germany. (Papers on Strategic Interaction, no. 15-2002).
Albert, M., W. Güth, E. Kirchler, and B. Maciejovsky. 2001. “Exploring Response Behavior: An Ultimatum Experiment.”Homo Oeconomicus 18(2):353-375.
Aldrich, J.H. 1997. “When Is It Rational to Vote?” In Perspectives on Public Choice: A Handbook. D.C. Mueller, ed. New York: Cambridge University Press.
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Alker, H.R. and R. Hurwitz. 1980. Resolving Prisoner’s Dilemmas. Student Manual; Supplementary Analytical Units: Learning Analysis in Political and Social Science. Washington, DC: American Political Science Association.
Allan, P. and C. Dupont. 1999. “International Relations Theory and Game Theory: Baroque Modeling Choices and Empirical Robustness.”International Political Science Review 20(1):23-48.
Alm, J. and M. McKee. 2004. “Tax Compliance as a Coordination Game.” Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 54(3):297-312.
Aloysius, J.A. 2003. “Rational Escalation of Costs by Playing a Sequence of Unfavorable Gambles: The Martingale.” Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 51(1):111-129.
Alt, J.E., R.L. Calvert, and B.D. Humes 1986. “Game Theory and Hegemonic Stability: The Role of Reputation and Uncertainty.” School of Business and Center in Political Economy, Washington University, St. Louis, MO. (Political Economy Working Papers, no. 106).
Alt, J.E., M. Levi, and E. Ostrom, eds. 1999. Competition and Cooperation: Conversations with Nobelists about Economics and Political Science. New York: Russell Sage Foundation.
Alvard, M.S. 2004. “The Ultimatum Game, Fairness, and Cooperation among Big game Hunters.” In Foundations of Human Sociality: Economic Experiments and Ethnographic Evidence form Fifteen Small-Scale Societies. J. Henrich et al., eds. New York: Oxford University Press.
Ambec, S. and Y. Sprumont. 2001. “Sharing a River.” Fourth Toulouse Conference on Environment and Resource Economics: Property Rights, Institutions, and Management of Environmental and Natural Resources, Toulouse, France, May 2001.
Amir, R. and N. Nannerup. 2006. “Information Structure and the Tragedy of the Commons in Resource Extraction.” Journal of Bioeconomics 8(2):147-165.
Amir, R. and I. Grilo. 1999. “Stackelberg Versus Cournot Equilibrium.” Games and Economic Behavior 26(1):1-21.
Amman, H.M. and A.K. Duraiappah. 2004. “Land Tenure and Conflict Resolution: A Game Theoretic Approach in the Narok District in Kenya.” Environment and Development Economics 9(3):383-407.
Anderhub, V., D. Engelmann, and W. Güth. 2002. “An Experimental Study of the Repeated Trust Game with Incomplete Information.” Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 48(2):197-216.
Anderhub, V. and W. Güth. 1999. “On Intertemporal Allocation Behavior: A Selective Survey of Saving Experiments.” Ifo Studien: Zeitschrift für Empirische Wirtschaftsforschung 45(3):303-333.
Anderhub, V., W. Güth, U. Kamecke, and H.-T. Normann. 2001. “Capacity Choices and Price Competition in Experimental Markets.” Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät, Humboldt-Universität Zu Berlin, Berlin, Germany. (Discussion Paper, Economics Series, no. 179).
Anderhub, V., W. Güth, and N. Marchand. 2001. “Alternating Offer Bargaining Experiments with Varying Institutional Details.” Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät, Humboldt-Universität Zu Berlin, Berlin.
Anderson, C.M. and J.R. King .2004. “Equilibrium Behavior in the Conservation Easement Game.” Land Economics 80(3):355-374.
Anderson, K.A. and M. Lind. 1999. “Computing the NTU-Shapley Value of NTU-Games Defined by Multiple Objective Linear Programs.” International Journal of Game Theory 28(4):585-597.
Anderson, L.R., J.M. Mellor, and J. Milyo. 2004. “Social Capital and Contributions in a Public-Goods Experiment.” American Economic Review 94(2):373-376.
Anderson, S.P. and M. Engers. 2007. “Participation Games: Market Entry, Coordination, and the Beautiful Blonde.” Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 63(1):120-137.
Anderson, S.P., J.K. Goeree, and C.A. Holt. 1998. “A Theoretical Analysis of Altruism and Decision Error in Public Goods Games.” Journal of Public Economics 70(2):297-.
Andreoni, J. and E. Blanchard. 2006. “Testing Subgame Perfection Apart from Fairness in Ultimatum Games.” Experimental Economics 9(4):307-321.
Andreoni, J., M. Castillo, and R. Petrie. 2003. “What Do Bargainers’ Preference Look Like? Experiments with a Convex Ultimatum Game.” American Economic Review 93(3):672-685.
Andreoni, J. and R.T.A. Croson 1998. “Partners versus Strangers: Random Rematching in Public Goods Experiments.” In Handbook of Experimental Economics Results. C.R. Plott and V.L. Smith, eds.
Anesi, V. 2009. “Noncooperative Foundations of Stable Sets in Voting Games.” Rochester Center for Economic Research, University of Rochester, NY. (Working Paper No. 551).
Angelsen, A. 2001. “Playing Games in the Forest: State-Local Conflicts of Land Appropriation.” Land Economics 77(2):285-299.
Annen, K. 2003. “Social Capital, Inclusive Networks, and Economic Performance.” Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 50(4):449-463.
Anthonisen, N. 1997. “On the Convergence of Beliefs within Populations with Games with Learning.” Journal of Economic Theory 76(1):169-184.
Anttila, Sten. 1999. The Snowmobile Issues as a Commons Dilemma: A Problem of Concept Formation. Östersund, Sweden: Fjällforskningsinstitutet. (Fjällforskningsinstitutets Rapport 1999; 2).
Anttila, S. and E. Torp. 1996. “Environmental Adjustment and Private Economic Strategies in Reindeer Pastoralism: Combining Game Theory with Participatory Action Theory.”
Aoki, M. 2004. “Institutional Evolution as Punctuated Equilibria.” In The Foundations of the New Institutional Economics. C. Ménard, ed. Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar.
Aoki, M. 2001. Toward a Comparative Institutional Analysis. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
Apesteguia, J. 2006. “Does Information Matter in the Commons? Experimental Evidence.” Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 60(1):55-69.
Apesteguia, J.J. 2000. “Does Information Make any Difference? Some Experimental Evidence from a Common-Pool Resource Game.” Constituting the Commons: Crafting Sustainable Commons in the New Millennium, Eighth Conference of the International Association for the Study of Common Property, Bloomington, IN.
Araral, E. 2008. “The Strategic Games that Donors and Bureaucrats Play: An Institutional Rational Choice Analysis.” Public Administration Research and Theory.
Arce M., D.G. 1994. “Stability Criteria for Social Norms with Applications to the Prisoner’s Dilemma.” Journal of Conflict Resolution 38(4):4.
Arce M., D.G. and T. Sandler. 2003. “An Evolutionary Game Approach to Fundamentalism and Conflict.” Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics 159(1):132-170.
Arce, M., and G. Daniel 1996. “Social Norms, Inflation and Stabilization.” Rationality and Society 8(3):277-294.
Armstrong, C.W. and U.R. Sumaila. 2001. “Optimal Allocation of TAC and the Implications of Implementing an ITQ Management System for the North-East Arctic Cod.” Land Economics 77(3):350-359.
Arnold, T. and U. Schwalbe. 2002. “Dynamic Coalition Formation and the Core.” Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 49(3):363-380.
Asheim, G.B. 1997. “Individual and Collective Time-Consistency.” Review of Economic Studies 64(3):427-443.
Asheim, G.B., ed. 2006. The Consistent Preferences Approach to Deductive Reasoning in Games. Dordrecht, Holland: Springer.
Athey, S. and I. Segal. 2007. “Designing Efficient Mechanisms for Dynamic Bilateral Trading Games.” American Economic Review 97(2):131-136.
Atmis, E., I. Dasdemir, W. Lise, and Ö. Yildiran. 2007. “Factors Affecting Women’s Participation in Forestry in Turkey.” Ecological Economics 60(4):787-796.
Atzenhoffer, J.P. 2008. “Evolutionary Stability in Common Pool Resources.” (Document de Travail, no. 21).
Aumann, R.J. 1967. “Survey of Cooperative Games without Side Payments.” In Essays in Mathematical Economics. M. Shubik, ed. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.
Aumann, R. J., M. Kurz, and A. Neyman. 1987. “Power and Public Goods.” Journal of Economic Theory 42:108-127.
Aumann, R.J. 1999. “Interactive Epistemology I & II.” International Journal of Game Theory 28(3):263-314.
Aumann, R.J. 1988. Lectures on Game Theory. Boulder, CO: Westview.
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Aumann, R.J. and J.H. Dreze. 2008. “Rational Expectations in Games.” American Economic Review 98(1):72-86.
Aumann, R. and W. Güth. 2000. “Species Survival and Evolutionary Stability in Sustainable Habits.” Evolutionary Economics 10:437-447.
Auriol, E. and M. Benaim. 2000. “Standardization in Decentralized Economies.” American Economic Review 90(3):550-570.
Austen-Smith, D. and J.S. Banks. 1998. “Social Choice Theory, Game Theory, and Positive Political Theory.” In Annual Review of Political Science: Volume 1, 1998. N.W. Polsby, ed. Palo Alto, CA: Annual Reviews.
Austen-Smith, David, and Jeffrey S. Banks 1987. “Elections, Coalitions, and Legislative Outcomes.” California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA. (Social Science Working Papers, no. 643).
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Avenhaus, R. and A. Okada. 1992. “Statistical Criterial for Sequential Inspector-Leadership Games.” Journal of the Operations Research Society of Japan 35(2):134-151.
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Axelrad, G. and E. Feinerman. 2009. “Regional Planning of Wastewater Reuse for Irrigation and River Rehabilitation.” Journal of Agricultural Economics 60(1):105-131.
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Bacharach, M.O.L. et al., eds. 1997. Epistemic Logic and the Theory of Games and Decisions. Boston: Kluwer Academic.
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